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-------- Forwarded Message -------- Subject: Correspondence with Mr. Thomas Anderson Date: Thu, 11 Feb 2016 12:59:59 -0500 From: Stefan Jetchick To: Tom (put at sign here) OdinText Good day Mr. Thomas Anderson, Yesterday I tripped over your recent blog post called: Text analysis answers: Is the Quran really more violent than the Bible? Part 1, Part 2, Part 3 I was just wondering if you calibrated your software tool before, and what texts did you use to it perform this calibration? (Disclaimer: much like OdinText managed to "read" the Bible and the Koran in less than 120 seconds, I just searched for the word "calibr" (to find "calibration" and "calibrate") in your article without finding them.) What I mean is how does your software compare sample texts, like the following two: The Bloody and Hate-Filled Life of Ghandi Ghandi tried to prevent the British soldiers from doing horrible things like chopping up women and children with their bayonets, or gunning down in a pool of blood all the protesters who wanted the independance of India. But despite his calls for non-violent resistance, he was surrounded by hatred and slaughter, and eventually assassinated by people of his own religion because they hated his guts. The Peaceful Existence of Adolf Hitler Hitler would get up in the morning, surrounded by beautiful furniture, classical music and a wonderful view. His attendant would bring him the daily results: "Ah, I see we've solved many more Jewish problems today in Auschwitz! Great! I feel so good and filled with positive emotions!" Hitler would then go for a serene walk with his dogs, then he would go the opera to listen to Wagner, his favorite composer. If you compared both these texts with your software, would it conclude that the life of Ghandi was "more violent" than the life of Hitler? Also, I find it a bit funny that you say things like: it appears safe to conclude that some commonly-held assumptions about and perceptions of these texts may not necessarily hold true. and yet you also say: I must also reemphasize that this analysis is superficial and the findings are by no means intended to be conclusive. I'm not an expert on Logic, but that smells like a contradiction. Thanks, Stefan
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