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Correspondence with The Coalition for HealthCARE and Conscience

The Coalition for HealthCARE and Conscience.
[English Source, French Source]

Table of contents

1) S. Jetchick (2018-Feb-13)

1) S. Jetchick (2018-Feb-13)

-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: Correspondence with The Coalition for HealthCARE and Conscience
Date: Tue, 13 Feb 2018 12:03:22 -0500
From: Stefan Jetchick
To: @canadiansforconscience.ca

Good day,

A friend of mine sent me a copy of a "Dear MPP" letter,
a template letter to be sent to all Ontario Members of Parliament,
as well as all candidates, for the upcoming provincial election:

	French version: www.coalitionsanteconscience.ca/ontario

	English version: www.canadiansforconscience.ca/ontario

This friend wanted to know what I think of it, except my religion
forbids me to bear false witness, so I have to give the accused (you)
an opportunity to confront your accuser! (I'm sure you'll respect
my Faith and the rights of my Conscience here! ;-)

More seriously, I partly agree, and partly disagree with what
you are doing.

Of course, being a "fundamentalist" Catholic, I totally agree
with all your good work to stop euthanasia, and to protect
health care professionals who are being threatened if they
refuse to dip their hands in the blood of innocent victims.

The preceding sentence is very short, but it covers a huge
amount of work and dedication and sacrifice by all the
people in your organization. I really want to make it clear
that I respect and honor and celebrate all the good you
are doing.

That being said, I have a concern. You seem to insist a lot
on a "right to faith and conscience". That seems very
dangerous to me. Actually, if poorly executed, such a
defence can end up doing more harm than good. I tried to give
a quick explanation here:

	6) "The rights of our conscience/religion!"

Has your organization assessed the risks of such an approach?
Is there a page on your web site where you explain more
clearly what you mean by a "right to faith and conscience"?

Thank you very much for answering. I will post your answer
here, so everybody can be better informed.


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