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Correspondence with Mr. James Hnatiuk (CHP Leadership Race)

Mr. James Hnatiuk, CHP  Deputy Leader (National)
Mr. James Hnatiuk, CHP Deputy Leader (National)

Table of contents

1) J. Hnatiuk (2008-Feb-07)
2) S. Jetchick (2008-Feb-07)
3) J. Hnatiuk (2008-June-24)
4) S. Jetchick (2008-July-01)

1) J. Hnatiuk (2008-Feb-07)

-----Original Message-----
From: Hnatiuk, Jim
Sent: 7 février 2008 04:06
To: CHP mailing list
Subject: CHP Leadership Run

Greetings CHP friends, colleagues, members;

With the upcoming November 2008 CHP National Convention in Regina,
Ron Gray has announced that he will be stepping down as Leader of the
Christian Heritage Party of Canada. This truly will be a momentous
time, not only as we reflect on and celebrate the twelve years during
which Ron has unashamedly led our party, but also as we look to the
future of the CHP, and the task of ensuring continued, strong
leadership for the challenges ahead.

This short letter is to inform you that I have submitted my
"Intentions to Run" for the position of Leader of the Christian
Heritage Party of Canada at the upcoming National Convention in
November - God being my helper.

I make this announcement not before considerable time in prayer for
guidance on such an important matter. I have never had aspirations to
be fully engaged in politics, yet my heart now tells me I must. Prior
to this decision, I did seek the wisdom, input and support of my wife
Ellen, who, readily and quite remarkably, gave me her full support.
This support and encouragement was echoed by the rest of my family
and the Nova Scotia CHP Officers.

As leader, I would offer the knowledge that I have gained over the
recent years as a CHP National Board member, as Nova Scotia President
and the CHP Deputy Leader. An asset to the party, I believe, would be
the experience, training and leadership skills that I acquired in my
twenty-five years of military service. As well, my character, stamina
and loyalty to God's Word have been tested many times over the past
thirteen years in my church ministries as youth leader, elder and in
my current position as deacon.

I do want to be sensitive to others who may be experiencing this call
on their lives and to not in any way seek to redirect decisions that
they are making. I do know that the good Lord wishes that I run; the
outcome He will decide and I will be at peace with His decision.

Currently as owner and manager of a rapidly growing new hunting &
fishing retail business I could have chosen to believe that I have
absolutely no time for anything else. Yet on the other hand, I can
see that the business could operate with a minimum of supervision
from me if I found a capable manager. The business is, and can
continue to be a valuable asset to my family, to my political and
Christian endeavours, used for whatever purposes God may be blessing

Having announced my decision to pursue the leadership, I will be
seeking support from family, friends, colleagues and the membership
of the CHP, as the November convention approaches.

Thank you kindly.

In His Grip

Jim Hnatiuk
Nova Scotia

"If Christians should vote their duty to
God at the polls, they would carry every
election, and do it with ease."
Mark Twain

2) S. Jetchick (2008-Feb-07)

-----Original Message-----
From: Stefan Jetchick
Sent: 7 février 2008 19:48
To: Jim Hnatiuk
Subject: RE: CHP Leadership Run

Good day Mr. Hnatiuk,

>> With the upcoming November 2008 CHP National Convention in Regina,
>> Ron Gray has announced that he will be stepping down as Leader of
>> the Christian Heritage Party of Canada.

May God reward Mr. Gray for all his hard work, for all those years!

>> I have submitted my "Intentions to Run" for the position of
>> Leader of the CHP

I certainly wish you all the best for your run!

>> I will be seeking support from [...] the membership
>> of the CHP, as the November convention approaches.

What I usually do, to decide who to support in an election,
is to ask the same tough question to all candidates, then post
all answers on my personal web site.

Since you're the first out of the gate (as far as I know),
you're the first to get the question! (Please, don't rush your
answer, since it will be visible on the web. Also, I might
also translate all answers into French.)

Short version of the Question:

	"Do you believe Faith is the foundation of reason?"

Longer version of the Question:

	"Would you vote in favor of adding a sixth clause to
	the CHP Pledge, as worded in Section 7 of
	Does The CHP Want To Establish A Theocracy?"
	(Reading Section 7 carefully takes a while, but in my
	opinion it is a critical issue for the Christian
	Heritage Party.)

Another way of approaching the Question is to read my
correspondance with Mr. Tim Bloedow, concerning what
I consider to be serious errors in his book. (But careful,
we talk about all kinds of things in those letters, many of
which are not directly related to the above important question.)

Looking forward to meeting you in person next November
(and maybe even working for your leadership campaign from
now until then, depending on your answer).

In Christ,

Stefan Jetchick
CHP EDA Louis-Hébert (Quebec City)

3) J. Hnatiuk (2008-June-24)

-----Original Message-----
From: James Hnatiuk
Sent: 24 juin 2008 06:44
To: Stefan Jetchick
Subject: Your questions

Hi Stefan
Your question:
Short version.
	"Do you believe Faith is the foundation of reason?"

	Faith certainly should impact a persons reasoning.
	To be effective, the 'strength' of ones faith must
	outweigh opposing forces.
	The source of 'faith' and 'strength' is the actual key.

Your question:
Longer version of the Question:
	"Would you vote in favor of adding a sixth clause to
	the CHP Pledge, as worded in Section 7 of
	Does The CHP Want To Establish A Theocracy?"
	(Reading Section 7 carefully takes a while, but in my
	opinion it is a critical issue for the Christian
	Heritage Party.)

	Your Section 7 I find is outside the spectrum of political activity.
	Our current CHP pledge very adequately serves it's intended purpose.

Kind regards

4) S. Jetchick (2008-July-01)

-----Original Message-----
From: Stefan Jetchick
Sent: 1 juillet 2008 09:48
To: Hnatiuk's
Subject: RE: Your questions

Good day Sir,

Thanks for writing back.

>> Your Section 7 I find is outside the spectrum of political activity.

Strange. You dismiss the whole issue as "outside politics", while
giving no reasons to back up your claim, and quoting nothing that
I've written (despite the fact it took you over four months to answer
my e-mail).

Allow me to quote Ron Gray, current National Leader of the CHP:

	For in the Bible, God says, "Come, let us reason together." [...]
	For while it's true that the CHP bases its policies on principles found in
	the Bible, when we advocate for those policies in the public square, we
	always work to develop objective, factual - I might even say
	"secular" - arguments to support those policies.
	["CHP Comm", Vol 15 No 25, July 01, 2008. My emphasis]

My whole Section 7 basically says that some CHP members can: "develop
objective, factual - I might even say "secular" - arguments to
support those policies".

And this is "outside politics"?

>> Our current CHP pledge very adequately serves it's intended purpose.

As you know (since you've certainly read everything I asked you to read),
I have nothing against the first five clauses of the CHP Pledge. I
want to add a sixth clause, not remove anything.

And why do I want to add a clause? Because there are people inside the
CHP who claim that "developing objective, factual - I might even say
"secular" - arguments to support those policies" is "outside the spectrum
of political activity".

A candidate, who cannot recognize a theocracy when it's biting his
leg, might not be the best choice at the upcoming 2008 National Leadership

In Christ,

Stefan Jetchick

Well, I was a bit rough that time. Do remember that Mr. Hnatiuk and me also agree on great many topics! For example, here is a quote from Mr. Hnatiuk, dated today, in the "CHP News Release" for 2008-July-02, after the scandalous attribution of the Order of Canada to Morgentaler:

Traditionally, members of the Order of Canada have been men and women that all Canadians have been able to look up to and esteem for their achievements in their fields of endeavour or for some act of bravery. Now, that honour has been sullied by appointing a man who is notorious for nothing more than his callous disregard for human life, and the brutal death and dismemberment of the weakest members of our society.

I say to Mr. Hnatiuk: "Amen! Amen! Amen!"

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