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Correspondence with Mrs. Kathy Shaidle (www.fivefeetoffury.com)

Mrs. Kathy Shaidle and logo of her website
Mrs. Kathy Shaidle and logo of her website

Table of contents

1) Blog entry by K. Shaidle (2007-Oct-04; 8:15 AM)
2) S. Jetchick blog entry (2007-Oct-04; 3:55 PM)
3) K. Shaidle (2007-Oct-04; 4:52 PM)
4) S. Jetchick, transferred conversation here (2007-Oct-06)

1) Blog entry by K. Shaidle (2007-Oct-04; 8:15 AM)


Dear foolish Christians:

If your goal is to win the unchurched to Christ (rather than just
displaying your smug self-righteousness for all the world to see)
PLEASE do not name your website inquisition.ca

Congratulations: you have just doomed countless souls with your
Pharasiacal pomposity. I can hear the unmistakable sound of
hardening hearts all the way from Quebec:

	Democracy in Action Calendar
	Counter-demonstration : pro-choice

	"Next Sunday, some reactionaries will be demonstrating in from of
	CHUQ in Ste.-Foy, to be in opposition to abortion and, most of all,
	to the right of women to make free choices. Conscious of the danger
	that this anti-feminist movement constitutes in the present
	context, we call for a massive demonstration of our opposition to
	this retrograde discourse by means of a pro-choice counter-

	"The reactionary demonstration on Sunday is organized by a small
	committee composed of Christian integrists [???] based in the west
	of the capital and supported by an anti-choice lobby
	(www.rvme.org). Presided over by Bernard Westerveld, pastor of the
	Reformed Church in Ste-Foy, the main worker on the committee is
	Stefan Jetchick, one of the principal animators in Québec of the
	Christian Heritage Party and of the website www.inquisition.ca
	(yes! yes!) These people are dangerous. We refuse their religious

Etc. etc.

You're not supposed to make it harder for people to be good. Thanks
for nothing, guys.

(I omit many subsequent blog entries; roughly fourty on 2007-Oct-06)

2) S. Jetchick blog entry (2007-Oct-04; 3:55 PM)

(Disclaimer: I run the infamous www.inquisition.ca website)

Hello my friends in Christ,

I would like to say that there is a whole page on my web site
dedicated to the choice of the actual name "www.inquisition.ca"

If you are going to argue whether my web site has a good name or not,
maybe you should refer to that page? (I'll give you a hint: it's in
the FAQ.)

For the rest, please all remain charitable during this debate,
whether or not you claim to be Christians.

God Bless You!


3) K. Shaidle (2007-Oct-04; 4:52 PM)

Stefan, your FAQ doesn't matter and neither does your reasoning, no
matter how clever. The people who see the word "inquisition" and go
ballistic will never read your FAQ. You have already turned them off
and lost the argument, no matter how deep and profound your FAQ may

Like many pro-lifers, you seem more interested in displaying your own
Catholic bona fides and preaching to the choir than reaching out to
the unconvinced. You are hiding your light under a bushel.

If you really believe that abortion is the most pressing issue of our
time, you & yours would lose the little baby feet lapel pins and
plastic fetus dolls, and try appealing to the women you are trying to
reach, rather than turning them off.

How have these strategies been working out so far? Not very good,
hmmm? I stayed pro-choice for years precisely because of sites like
yours. Yes, that was stubborn and silly of me, but multiply me by a
few million. We may be stubborn and silly, but how is your site an
invitation rather than a condemnation? We're the women you want to
reach and I put it to you that it isn't working.

Profane, secular movies (and yes, abrasive) like Knocked Up will
ultimately prevent more abortions than all the Catholic pro-life
websites put together, because they reach people where they are, not
where YOU are. "The publicans and prostitutes will enter the Kingdom
before you..."

"Abrasiveness" isn't the issue -- the use of trigger words like
"inquisition" is. The word "crusade" is similar. WE all know that the
crimes of the Inquisition and the Crusades have been exaggerated by
the secular left, but the average person does not and never will.

But if you are proud of your site, do carry on. How's your traffic,
though? How many lives have you really saved?

Your good intentions don't matter as much as results.

(Immediately followed by another post by K. Shaidle)

All that to say:

As long as pro-lifers are more attached to their failed, off-putting
tactics and self-righteousness than they are to really saving lives,
abortion will continue to be a problem.

These are the same folks who form fringe political parties with the
best of intentions, which espouse all kinds of stuff I actually agree
with, but tactically all these Christian parties do is split the vote
and give our opponents MORE power.

Again: good intentions are very often canceled out by bad results. It
is a sad, tragic and paradoxical fact of life, but if your wedding
ring has just rolled down the drain, so is gravity.

Rail all you like, get angry that you're being "misunderstood" all
you like, the fact remains that your efforts may still fail, no
matter how clever they seem to you.

Because "you" are not your intended audience... This is Marketing

4) S. Jetchick, transferred conversation here (2007-Oct-06)

Good day Mrs. Shaidle,

(By the way, nice logo for your web site! I'm kind of jealous!)

>> Stefan, your FAQ doesn't matter and neither does your reasoning

Well, in that case, I admit defeat! If facts and logic don't have
any influence on your opinions, obviously, I'm wrong and you are


>> You have already turned them off
>> and lost the argument, no matter how deep and profound your FAQ may
>> be.


That is exactly what I'm trying to accomplish!

As I explain on the FAQ which you refuse to read:

	"By using the word "inquisition", I often get people with a
	closed mind to abruptly condemn this web site, often without
	even taking a few minutes to read the FAQ. I can then call
	their attention to their behavior, and say something like:
	"See, that is what bad inquisitions are all about, i.e. condemning
	somebody without giving them even a chance to defend themselves."
	Often this is a strong enough argument to get these people to
	open their minds."
	[6) Couldn't you come up with a better word than "inquisition"?]

>> You are hiding your light under a bushel.

I sure hope not. But your concerns are absolutely legitimate, and
I struggle with them daily.

One of the problems with converting anti-Catholics (according to me,
of course), is that they refuse to even look at facts and logic!
They BELIEVE that the Catholic Church is wrong, and condemn Her
without listening to the Defense Attorney, and with no possibility
of an appeal.

As long as they hang on to this belief, I find it very difficult to
even start up a casual conversation with them, about any topic
even vaguely related to religion.

But by giving them the "shock treatment", by showing them that
something which they find horrible (condemning without giving the
accused a chance to present his defense), is actually a behavior that
they themselves are indulging in, sometimes they "snap out of it".

Is that "shock treatment" the best approach? Is it the most effective?
I don't know, so I have other approaches, other "treatments" (i.e. I
"hedge my bets").

First example of other approaches: I have reading lists for pro-choicers,
Atheists, homosexuals, etc. You can check the reading list for
pro-choicers: it attempts to very gradually lead people to a pro-life
position. No "shock treatment" there:

	A Reading List for Pro-Choicers

Second example: my web site has actually TWO names! The very same website
has two names, one which you know and hate already, and the other one
which is:


(Admit there is nothing nasty about that web site name!)

I usually avoid "www.inquisition.ca" when reaching out to total strangers
who hate the Church. For example, in your original blog entry, you quote
a French-Canadian web site. That web site, as far as I can tell, copied its
information from another website, called "Ya Basta!", which I won't refer
to here, since it is filled with blasphemous language and hate-mongering.
(But I did leave a polite message to its webmaster, inviting here to a
public debate.) I don't know how "Ya Basta!" got the website
"www.inquisition.ca". On the "Quebec Pro-Life" web site, I don't refer to any of my
personal web sites, only to the local Christian Heritage Party
web site (and then only on the Contact page). In other words, if you really
look, you can find the web site called www.jesus-eucharistie.org,
and from there, if you look again, you can come back to "www.inquisition.ca"

All this to say that these people wanted to be angry, and wanted to
present me as a "bad, nasty person", and they made conscious efforts
to do so.

>> lose the little baby feet lapel pins and
>> plastic fetus dolls

Don't have any.

>> try appealing to the women you are trying to
>> reach, rather than turning them off.

See above-mentioned reading list.

>> How have these strategies been working out so far?

Hard to tell. I mostly stay home and work on my web site.

>> I stayed pro-choice for years precisely because of sites like
>> yours.

Well, obviously, if you start out by locking yourself into
your emotions, and shutting out facts and logic, such results
are quite inevitable!

>> We're the women you want to
>> reach and I put it to you that it isn't working.

Really? Let's see what this e-mail does!


>> How's your traffic, though?

Actually, it doubled from about 200 visits a day to well over 400
over the past few days. I guess I have to thank you for that!
(Also, I've started to get hammered by some weird Italian ISP. No
idea who that could be, but looking at the megabytes they are pulling,
in very few visits, I would guess it is a LAN with many PCs on it.
Something big, institutional...)

>> Your good intentions don't matter as much as results.


>> As long as pro-lifers are more attached to their failed, off-putting
>> tactics and self-righteousness than they are to really saving lives,
>> abortion will continue to be a problem.


By the way, do I detect a hint of "self-righteousness" in your tone of


>> These are the same folks who form fringe political parties with the
>> best of intentions, which espouse all kinds of stuff I actually agree
>> with, but tactically all these Christian parties do is split the vote
>> and give our opponents MORE power.

That is a very important political issue, and I do have quite a
few articles on that topic, but then you are not interested in
my facts and logic!

As Bjarne Stroustup quotes [The C++ Programming Language, Special
Edition, p. 45]:

	"Why waste time learning, when ignorance is instantaneous?"

(I'm teasing you here, Kathy! Actually, I would appreciate your
comments on that political article.)

>> Again: good intentions are very often canceled out by bad results.


>> Rail all you like

Hum? If you re-read our conversation, which one is doing the "railing"?



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