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2) You agree with everything Popes have done throughout history?

The Antichrist and a swarm of demons flying over the Pope and some Cardinals?
The Antichrist and a swarm of demons flying over the Pope and some Cardinals?

I often say, tongue-in-cheek, that the only thing I hate about the Catholic religion are the Catholics themselves!

Strictly speaking, the only thing I hate about the Catholic religion are the sins of the people claiming to be Catholics. According to the teachings of the Catholic Church, Popes, Bishops and Priests can go to Hell. Saint John Chrysostom is reported to have said that "Hell is paved with the skulls of Catholic Bishops".

The Church is partly divine and perfect, and partly human and subject to sin [Lumen Gentium, #8]. I am in the Catholic Church because of Jesus-Christ and His divine teachings, and despite the sins of some members of His Church (including my own sins).

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