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-----Original Message----- From: Stefan Jetchick Sent: 20 juin 2012 10:32 To: rah__gaiecoute.org; courrier__gaiecoute.org Subject: Correspondance avec Gai Écoute (Registre des actes «homophobes») Quebec City, Wednesday June 20th, 2012, Gai Écoute inc. C.P. 1006, succursale C Montréal (Québec) CANADA H2L 4V2 514 866-6788 courrier[-a-]gaiecoute.org rah[-a-]gaiecoute.org www.gaiecoute.org Good day Ms. Monique Giroux, Good day Messrs. Éric Bernier, Alex Perron, Daniel Pinard, Dany Turcotte, A few days ago, a buddy brought to my attention the launching of your Registry of "Homophobic" Acts. I have a few questions about it, questions which I've already asked to the Quebec Minister of Justice on 2010-April-6 (and I quote): We need your advice. We have the intention this summer of distributing flyers into Quebec mailboxes. Copies of these flyers are included in this registered mail, but electronic copies are available on the Internet (in English and in French): Publicity Insert: Invitation To An Electronic Debate www.inquisition.ca/en/serm/encart.htm (English) www.inquisition.ca/fr/serm/encart.htm (French) Flyer on your new policy against "homophobia": www.inquisition.ca/en/polit/artic/aimons_sodomites.htm (English) www.inquisition.ca/fr/polit/artic/aimons_sodomites.htm (French) We have questions about the interactions between your new Policy against "homophobia", and things like freedom of expression and freedom of scientific research. Our questions: 1) Is it now illegal in Quebec to do scientific research on the medical consequences of anal coitus (also known as "sodomy")? 2) Is it now illegal in Quebec to disseminate the results of such research? 3) Is it now illegal in Quebec to invite citizens to a democratic and rational debate on sodomy? 4) Is it now illegal in Quebec to publicly disseminate the official teachings of the Church on same-sex attractions? 5) Are there illegal passages in the flyers here above, and if so, what are they and which laws to they contravene? We would much appreciate your clear answers to those and other questions, so we could post them on the Internet. (End of quote. Original letter here.) The Minister never answered my questions, so I assume there is nothing "homophobic" about everything on my web site! If you disagree, I am gaily listening! Thank you, and have a nice day, Stefan Jetchick
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