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Jumping through hyperspace, from one web site to another.
2) Introduction
3) General Sites
4) Online News
5) Magazines and newspapers
6) Publishers
7) Movements
8) Diocesan Sites for Canada and Quebec
9) Masses and prayers (including Breviary)
10) Extraordinary Form of the Latin rite
11) Gregorian chant
12) Political action
13) Latin
14) Sites with MP3 and other audio files
15) Blogs and forums
16) Various
17) Sites I have to assess and categorize
18) Other lists of hyperlinks on this web site
I try here to muster the best Catholic links (see among others The Mediatic Body of Christ). Please tell me if you have other suggestions!
Vatican (Official web site for the Catholic Church)
Catholic Educator's Resource Center (Good articles by Fr. W. Saunders,
Peter Kreeft, etc.)
Catholic Culture (Web site evaluations)
Life Issues
(Several thousand articles on the Culture of Life; Jerry Novotny, O.M.I.)
New Advent (Kevin Knight. Catholic Encyclopedia, Church Fathers, but
the rest is becoming more and more Leftist.)
Canon 212
(Catholic news, "Trad" point of view)
Gloria TV
(Catholic social network/video/news sharing platform)
(Political news on "Culture of Death" issues in North America; but beware,
very backward
on issues like the environment)
Riposte Catholique
(Reinformation portal. French only.)
ACI Digital
(Catholic News. Spanish)
Missa (Robert Guertin. French)
Citizen Free Press
(Simple "aggregator" site, currently useful (2020-April), but managed by one
person on their dime; so as soon as this person will sell or die or become corrupt,
the site will also become bad)
(Point of view: fairly general, focused on the USA)
Zero Hedge
(Point of view: more eclectic, financial)
Nothing particularly reliable these days... Please tell me if you have any suggestions.
Ignatius Press
Tan Books
Éditions Le Laurier
Scepter Publishers
Sophia Institute Press
Pierre Téqui (French only)
Midwest Theological Forum
(1814 books written by Saints free to download; French Only)
Opus Dei
Confraternity of
Catholic Clergy
(Rev Dr John Trigilio Jr)
Catholics United For The Faith
(Leon Surprenant, Kristi Sands, etc.)
Conference of Catholic Bishops
Quebec Assembly of Bishops
Quebec Diocese
(where I'm located)
Dioceses in the Province of Quebec
Online English Breviary
(I purchased and gladly use the
downloadable version,
since you don't need to be connected)
Latin Breviary
(forma ordinaria; downloadable, but you must buy the iSilo reader software)
Latin Mass Live
(Masses, Adoration, etc., everywhere in the world)
Fraternity Of Saint Peter
FSSP in Quebec City
Salve Regina
(They have recorded the whole liturgical year; I try to imitate them.)
Abbaye Sainte-Madeleine du Barroux
(Good source of French liturgical books: missals, chantbooks, etc.)
Music Assocation of America
(Many good Gregorian books, online and re-printed.)
Institute of Canada
Abbaye de Solesmes
Communauté St-Martin
(Among others print edition of Vatican II Latin/French Breviary with
gregorian chant)
Sancta Missa
(Canons Regular of St. John Cantius)
(tools for typesetting Gregorian chant)
The Porta-Chapel
Constitution Party
(Disclaimer: I vote for them in the USA)
Christian Heritage Party
(Disclaimer: I vote for them in Canada)
Jihad Watch
(Antidote against the corrupt Western Media by revealing the efforts of Jihadists to
destroy what is left of Christendom. Robert Spencer)
Campaign Life Coalition
(Jim Hughes. Political wing of the pro-life movement in Canada. Georges
Buscemi leads the
Quebec Chapter.)
(Struggle against the tyranny of Justin Trudeau)
Mass Resistance
(Pro-Family Activism.)
Green Chain
("La Chaîne Verte"; Liberating France from Islam)
Center for Bio-Ethical Reform
(Excellent pro-life site.)
(Christ-the-King; France; Alain Escada, president)
Human Life International
National Campus Life Network
(Help for pro-life groups in Canadian universities; Sarah Hudson, etc.)
Life Chain,
Show The Truth, etc.
(Partly prayer movements, but also public demonstrations)
Cardinal Newman Society
(Patrick J. Reilley. Struggle against heretic teachers in the USA)
American Life League (Pro-Life)
Women for Faith and Family
(Helen Hull Hitchcock)
Catholic Medical Association (USA)
Family Action Coalition
(Doug Sharpe)
of God's Precious Infants (New-York)
(Mgr Philip J. Reilly, apostolate of prayer in front of abortuaries. Also
Ottawa chapter
Doris Gagnon
sacrifices herself for the good of the weakest)
Father Gary Coulter
(Personal website with many links to Latin resources)
Schola Latina Universalis
(Apparently, online Latin school)
(Not sure what this is, but it's in Latin!)
Latin Prayers
Peter Kreeft lectures
(Theology and Philosophy)
Catholic Audio
Audio Library File Index (Dr. Theresa Farnan, etc.)
Saint Joseph Communications
(Scott Hahn, etc.)
There are also a few audio files on
this web site
Barnhardt (Judica me)
(Ann Barnhardt)
Return To Order
(John Horvat)
Islam et Vérité
(Fr. Guy Pagès. Good site about Islam. French only.)
Militant (especially "The Vortex")
(Michael Voris)
Abyssus Abyssum Invocat
(Bishop Rene Henry Gracida)
Fr Hunwicke's Mutual Enrichment
(Fr. John Hunwicke)
Rorate Caeli
(Fr. Demets, FSSP, and others)
(Eric Alcock)
Bible, et Apologétique Catholique
(Miguel Morin)
Father Z
(Fr. John Zuhlsdorf)
Note I'm not a big consumer of forums.
Sword of Peter
(Good Catholic cartoons)
Cardinal Rating
(To know what the Cardinals are really saying)
(Fr John F. Harvey. Apostolate for homosexual persons)
(Steve Wood. Resources for fathers)
(Michel Leblanc. Site against religious cults)
(Directory of religious congregations, Seminaries, etc., in Canada)
regular of St John Cantius
Inside the Vatican
(Bob Moynihan, John Mallon, etc.)
La documentation catholique
Spiritualité chrétienne
(Michael Cook, Carolyn Moynihan, etc.)
(Liturgical renewal in the USA)
Catholic Bioethics Institute (Bill Sullivan, Moira McQueen)
Colleen Hammond
(Pour des vêtements de femme décents)
(International Christian Union of Business Executives; Benoît Bonamy)
(Michael Gilchrist)
John Paul II Society of Evangelists and School of Evangelization
(Victor R. Claveau)
Michael D. O'Brien
Jennifer Roback Morse
(Helping the victims of the "sexual revolution")
This very page (Some Good Hyperlinks)
Some Good Books
Software Engineering
Other useful links
Warning about link rot for these pages.
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