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Legal Considerations


Note: Sorry, but these "Considerations" are not sorted by importance, nor are they well-structured, because they are developed as I go along, and I don't want to change the numbering (since I refer to them from everywhere on this site). It might also be preferable for legal reasons not to rewrite or extensively modify this document.

1) Respect of the Law. All the authors, collaborators and supporters of the web site www.inquisition.ca firmly commit themselves to respecting all the Laws of Canada, the Province of Quebec, and the Catholic Church, as is clearly said in FAQ #1.

2) "Flame e-mails". We reserve the right to post entirely on the Internet any written or oral communication sent to us, including all the personal information of the sender, even against his will. (This excludes of course the case of persons in distress who contact us to get help.)

Normally, I ask the author's permission, but I added this rule because some people send me uncourteous e-mails, and then threaten me with lawsuits if I post their e-mails on the web!

3) Authority to judge who is a "wolf". On this web site, a "wolf" is defined as a religious leader (Deacon, Priest, Bishop, etc.) who is a heretic, schismatic or apostate, while pretending to be a Catholic. Only the Pope, or a Bishop in communion with the Pope, has the authority to judge who is a "wolf", and who is a "sheep" (a good Catholic). I don't have the authority to make such a decision.

4) Authority to make an Inquisition. Only the Pope, or a person mandated by the Pope, has the authority to convene an inquisition as well as to oversee its implementation.

5) Humor. If you don't have a good sense of humor, don't visit this site, it contains some jokes!

6) Authority of the Pope. If there ever should be a disagreement between the Pope and me, the Pope is right, and I'm wrong!

7) Copyright of material on this site. By default, of course, all the contents of this web site, that don't come explicitly from another author, are © Stefan Jetchick, 2004-2025. Nevertheless, I hereby grant permission to use any material on this site, under the following conditions:

7.1) The source must be recognized with a hyperlink to this web site (www.inquisition.ca or www.jesus-eucharistie.org).

7.2) The date when the material was copied must be mentioned (This is because the web site often changes).

7.3) The book, magazine, website, etc., where the material is quoted must itself at least respect the equivalent of our Legal Considerations #1, #10, and #13.

7.4) The use must be non-commercial.

7.5) The material must not be modified.

8) Love of "wolves". It could be said that Jesus Christ died on the Cross for wolves only, since before the world was saved, there were no sheep (except for the Virgin Mary, conceived without sin). That is why we don't want to exterminate the wolves, but convert them into sheep. God's Love urges us to love the wolves, as Christ loves them. (But see also #26 and #12.3).

9) Official version of this site. I regularly make mistakes, and I try to fix them as soon as they are flagged. But I can't "catch" all the hardcopies that have been disseminated. It's therefore the web site that is the official copy, not the paper copies. Moreover, on the web site, it's the "zipped" copy (.ZIP file) which is the offical version of this site. (Uploading a file each time I fix a little typo would be too time-expensive for me.)

10) Rebuttal right. This web site wishes to attack all the errors that harm the Catholic Church (using only legal means, of course, see #1 above), but I don't like shadow-boxing. So if something seems unjust, send me your rebuttal (including hyperlinks to other sites supporting your point of view) and I'll include it at least in the "Directory of Sheep and Wolves", and usually add other links to it from relevant locations elsewhere on this site. If my arguments were so weak that I was afraid to give people easy access to other web sites demonstrating the contrary, I would have closed shop a long time ago!

11) Avoidance of needless provocation. I've made my vow of martyrdom, but I don't want to expose myself recklessly and uselessly to persecutions and martyrdom. Life is beautiful, and as far as Christianly possible, we must avoid the first death. (The "second death" is Hell, which must be avoided at all costs)

12) Market Niche of this web site (or "Mission Statement"). The world is full of Catholic web sites that roughly teach what the Church teaches, except for the disagreeable things that sinners don't want to hear. The market niche of this web site is to concentrate on those things, because they are disagreeable only apparently, but highly necessary in reality. For example:

"Abortion is murder, Islam is a lie, sodomy is against Nature, and Atheism poisons everything".

To satisfy the needs of this market niche, we apparently have to "juggle" with several requirements, among them:

12.1) We must hate and clearly denounce sin. We can't love God if we don't hate sin, and we can't guide the herd toward good pastures without, among others, denouncing poisoned pastures.

12.2) We must love the sinners, as God loves them. Not love them as sinners, but as children of God. See among others Legal Considerations #8 and #13.

12.3) We must not let ourselves be intimidated by sinners who vociferate against this site. We must "reprove, rebuke, exhort", even if that causes some "ears to itch" [2Tm 4:1-3; see also He 12:11; IIa-IIae, q. 114, a. 1, ad 3]. Another way of saying this is that Legal Considerations 12.1 and 12.2 are in conflict, insofar as sinners refuse to let go of their sin. The more sinners refuse to let go of their sin (and the more they try to impose their sin on others, and try to prevent Christians from trying to liberate others from sin), the more 12.1 has priority. See among others Excommunication, That Gesture Of Love!, Blessed Be The Schism That Comes In The Name Of The Lord, etc.

12.4) Man's anger doesn't bring about God's justice. As soon as we strain to clearly see evil in order to denounce it, we run the risk of falling into negativism and anger, and becoming isolated and frustrated. This must be avoided. [Ps 37:8]".

12.5) We must also be constructive. Denouncing evil as such is not enough, a bit like pulling weeds out of a garden, in itself, doesn't make beautiful flowers grow. This site tries to satisfy this requirement mostly by promoting good books and good web sites.

12.6) Sometimes, we must avoid sparing our superiors. See Should a Catholic Publicly Criticize Some Decisions Taken By His Superiors?

13) Respect for others [Ep 4:29; 2Tm 2:25]. Not only do I want to be legal, moral and rational, but I also want to avoid stepping outside the bounds of good taste and common courtesy. Please notify me if you notice any violations of this rule.

14) English mistakes (and other errors). I try hard to avoid speling and gramahr mistakz. I also try hard to avoid errors in my facts, errors in my logic, errors in Philosophy, Theology, Science, etc. For a limited time (as long as I don't run out of cash to pay the rent!), I'll pay you 2.56$ per mistake that you will notify me of in the official version.

15) Masculine gender (inclusive "man"). When I speak of "men", I'm talking about human persons in general, whether they are of the male or female sex, and from conception to death. I also introduce the neologism "heman" to signify a man of the male sex (just a contraction of "he-man"). For more explanations, see: "Mulier Est Homo; Vir Est Homo". Also, when I'm quoting someone else, I normally allow myself to change his text to respect this convention.

16) Personal responsibility. Post Office boxes don't have responsibilities, and non-profit organizations don't have a moral conscience. This web site will always have at least one flesh-and-blood person who will be responsible for its contents, and this person will be reachable by e-mail, phone and mail. Masks are made for terrorists. I hate anonymity.

17) More technical aspects of this web site. The "Few Software Rules For This Web Site" shall be respected.

18) Disclaimer for purchasing suggestions and hazardous activities. In the less-important part of this web site (i.e. "Varia"), I sometimes make purchasing suggestions. I also talk about objects and activities which can be potentially harmful. Please note that:

18.1) I don't receive any compensation for purchasing suggestions (I only make these suggestions in an attempt to help people save some time and money).

18.2) I unfortunately don't have a well-equipped laboratory where I can compare all available products scientifically (If you know of a better product, please tell me!).

18.3) If you engage in potentially hazardous activities (like using power tools, or cleaning things with toxic chemicals, or going camping in the wilderness, etc.), please be careful, and obtain the advice of an expert before starting (and I'm not an expert).

18.4) I'm not responsible for any accidents which might occur while engaging in activities described on this web site.

19) Privacy Policy. I don't want to collect any information about visitors to this web site, whether with cookies, spyware, or anything of the sort. If you notice anything to the contrary,  please tell me, and I'll change web hosts.

20) Mirror sites. Of course, all the Legal Considerations apply also to all mirror sites (like www.jesus-eucharistie.org).

21) Respect of Intellectual Property. I try to respect other person's Intellectual Property, whether photos, religious images, scanned books, etc. On the other hand, sometimes I don't even know who to ask for permission, and sometimes I can't get an answer, despite e-mails and registered letters (e.g. for the works of F.-J. Thonnard). Please notify me if you notice a violation of this rule.

22) Financial Transparency. Currently, this web site is completely financed by myself. I will never ask for money in exchange for the services this site offers (see Consideration #24). On the other hand, if ever I should start asking or receiving donations, I shall necessarily make available all financial statements and budget forcasts of this web site. These financial documents will be free, accessible without restrictions on the Internet, and detailed (for example, not a vague overview of the expenses, but real serious financial statements). If we ask for people's voluntary donations, the least we can do is tell them how we spend their money!

23) The term "Protestant". On this web site, the term "Protestant" roughly means "non-Catholic Christian". The use of that term doesn't mean I'm against ecumenism, or that I claim all non-Catholics go automatically to Hell, or some other such silly thing. (See among others Unitatis Redintegratio, #20, etc.)

24) Free. All material on this web site will aways be free. Unselfish goods (or "spiritual" goods, or "cultural" goods) like the Catholic Faith, Philosophy and Politics are not consumer goods; they are outside the economic order. Moreover: "You have received freely, give freely" [Mt 10:8]. As a counter-example, pseudo-philosophers want people to pay for their "wisdom".

25) Anonymous e-mails. I reserve the right to ignore communications sent to me (e-mails, phone calls, etc.), if the caller refuses to identify himself. I hate anonymity.

26) Interpretation rules. One of the most basic rules of textual interpretation says that: "Each sentence in a document virtually contains all the other sentences of that document!" In other words, because men are unable to transmit their thought in one single chunk, and because they have to "serialize" what they have to say in several consecutive sentences, we must not forget that every sentence is implicitely connected to all the other sentences. A third way of saying the same thing is that: "An out-of-context text is but a pretext".

27) The term "Leftist". On this site, the term "Leftist" means someone who disagrees with one or several of the assertions quoted above in the mission statement:

"Abortion is murder, Islam is a lie, sodomy is against Nature, and Atheism poisons everything".

A sociologist could study the current Western world and observe than we can divide the population into two large groups, those who agree with all the above assertions, and those who don't. It's a sociological generalization, and not a geometry theorem, but according to my personal experience, it's a generalization which corresponds well with reality.

28) Survival of this web site after my death. I'd like this web site to remain on the Internet after my death. You just need to put on your web site the most recent backup copy of the whole web site. You don't need anybody's permission.
(I'll be dead! :-)


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