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Ms. Iqra Khalid and her Boss.
-------- Forwarded Message -------- Subject: Open Letter To Ms. Iqra Khalid (Criminalization of free speech) Date: Sun, 29 Jan 2017 14:59:04 -0500 From: Stefan Jetchick To: Iqra.Khalid@ CC: Joel.Lightbound@, Jean-Yves.Duclos@
Quebec City, Sunday January 29, 2017.
The Honorable Iqra Khalid, MP for Mississauga - Erin Mills
3100 Ridgeway Drive, Suite 35
Mississauga, ON
L5L 5M5
Telephone: 905-820-8814
Fax: 905-820-4068
Web site: ikhalid.liberal.ca
E-mail: Iqra.Khalid@[Canadian Parliament]
Good day Ms. Iqra Khalid,
(And good day poor underpaid employee who will read this! One of my acquaintances worked many years for a Federal MP here in the Quebec City region, so I know it's rather hard and thankless work. Sorry to give you even more work...)
I read yesterday that you apparently put forth "Motion M-103" in the Canadian Parliament, a motion which demands that "islamophobia" be treated as a crime, without even bothering to define what is "islamophobia".
First question: Is that true, or "fake news"?
Next, I always believed that Canada was a free country, a country where citizens have freedom of speech. This freedom of speech is necessary, among others for the "National Immune System" to work normally. How could we protect ourselves against bad things, if we didn't even have the right to talk, to discuss, to warn ourselves mutually that a danger is threatening our Nation?
For example, a large number of Canadians claim that some official teachings of Islam are utterly contrary to Natural Morality, and Canadian laws.
Second question: Would the flyer indicated here below, called "Love Muslims! Hate Islam!", be criminalized by the new "laws" that you want to impose to all Canadians?
Finally, while we're talking about the criminalization of freedom of speech, I'd like to discuss a similar case. As you surely know, your political party and your boss (Justin Trudeau) is suing for 104 000 000$ (yes, one hundred and four MILLION dollars) my good friend Bill Whatcott, because he dared to hand out on the public square a flyer criticizing the pro-sodomy propaganda of Canada's Prime Minister. I attempted several times to talk about this to your collegues (among them Minister Jean-Yves Duclos, as well as my MP Joėl Lightbound), but they are too afraid of the "gay" lobby to dare speak out.
Third and final question: What answer would you give to the two little questions, indicated here below, that no member of the Liberal Party of Canada has so far dared to deal with?
Stefan Jetchick
[Usual contact information]
Flyer titled "Love Muslims! Hate Islam!":
Correspondence with Mr. Jean-Yves Duclos, Minister of Families, Children and Social Development:
Article on JihadWatch.org called «Canada moving toward criminalizing "Islamophobia"»
Electronic version of this e-mail (with all relevant hyperlinks and pictures):
French version of that same e-mail:
-------- Forwarded Message -------- Subject: Automatic reply: Open Letter To Ms. Iqra Khalid (Criminalization of free speech) Date: Sun, 29 Jan 2017 19:59:20 +0000 From: Iqra.Khalid@ To: sjj@ I would like to thank you for contacting our office. Your email is very important to us and we will respond to you as soon as possible. If your matter is urgent, please call our office at 905-820-8814 for Mississauga, or 613-995-7321, for Ottawa. If your email is pertaining to any immigration matter or a service Canada issue, our Community Office will be very happy to assist you. Please feel free to walk in the office during the weekdays from 9:30 AM to 5:30 PM (we break for lunch from 1-2 PM). The Community Office address for the residents of Mississauga - Erin Mills is as follows : Community Office of Iqra Khalid, MP 3100 Ridgeway Drive Suite 35 Mississauga, Ontario L5L 5M5 Phone : 9058208814 Fax : 9058204068 We look forward to serving you.
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