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Love Tubes

A Love Tube.

Each "Love Tube" contains:

An small explanatory insert (normally blue in color) that says on the front:

Does Jesus teach hate?
Yes and No!
We have to love the sinner, but hate the sin!

and on the back:

You disagree with something in this Love Tube?
Well then, react in a tolerant, open and inclusive way!
Participate in an electronic debate: www.jesus-eucharistie.org/joust
The first one to invoke a religious belief, loses!

The five following flyers:

Love Muslims, Hate Islam!

Love Atheists, Hate Atheism!

Love Policemen, Hate the Police State!

Love Sodomites, Hate Sodomy!

Love Abortionists, Hate Abortion!

The business card of the person handing them out (with full contact info)

Version française
Philosophical underpinnings of Love Tubes
Printable versions (MS-Word format)
Correspondence with the Authorities about these flyers (French only)
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