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Women's Ordination, Or Feminist Propaganda?


1) Introduction

When the topic of the conversation falls on women's ordination, inevitably the pagans, the heretics and the apostates (especially if these people are wearing a bra) angrily attack the Catholic Church.

I claim women's ordination has nothing to do with women gaining access to the Priesthood. It's only a cover for the feminist-flavored Atheistic propaganda. This propaganda is articulated around four lies:

- The world is dying for women-priests;
- the Catholic Church is sexist;
- priests create dogma and morals;
- a good Catholic can be in favor of women's ordination.

2) There are already many stores that sell tofu

Typical anti-Catholic feminist asking for womenpriests in the Catholic Church.
Typical anti-Catholic feminist asking for womenpriests in the Catholic Church.

The first lie, and in a way the funniest, is the supposed urgent need for women-priests. That's false, and I know what I'm talking about: for many years, my neighbor to the back was a woman "priest"!

That church is almost always empty, even if it's beautiful, and that this Protestant denomination is supposedly in agreement with the Nicean Creed ("I believe in the Church One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic".) And of course, they have women "priests" (and "bishops")!

Imagine for a moment if I furiously attacked a local butcher shop, complaining that they didn't sell tofu weiners, whereas on the other side of the street, there was a nice big vegan grocery store that sold every kind of tofu! And it's even more ridiculous. Starting a new grocery store is expensive: you need suppliers, big industrial refrigeration equipment, all kinds of government permits, etc. Whereas you can start up your new religion in your garage, with a card table, two folding chairs, and a cardboard sign on your front lawn.

3) The teachings of the Catholic Church are not sexist

The second lie is that the Church is supposedly sexist. The slightest honest and sincere examination of the following official documents suffices to refute this lie:

- The Apostolic Letter on the dignity of women Mulieris Dignitatem;
- The Catechism of the Catholic Church;
- Etc., etc.

When someone opens their mouth to talk about women's ordination, ask them: "Where is your copy of Mulieris dignitatem?" Stop the discussion right there if this person refuses to go read up before continuing.

4) Priests don't create dogma and morals

The third lie on which feminists base themselves is a misunderstanding of the Priest's function. If the Catholic Church were a political party, then it's quite true that the national convention of that party could change certain policies, and even the very constitution of that party. All you'd need would be a sufficient number of delegates who supported the motion.

Except Priests and Bishops don't have the function of creating dogma and morals. They are there to defend the treasure of Revelation, not make it up. It's a bit like being a security guard for the Fort Knox safe (where a large quantity of gold is warehoused). The guard has the task of protecting that treasure. He's not there to "create" that gold, and anyway, he wouldn't even be able to!

At some point of time, either the Catholic religion was founded by God, or it was founded by men. If it was founded by men, then feminists would apparently be "right" in asking for women's ordination. (Except, even in that case, feminists would still be wrong! Indeed, a religion invented by men is a joke and a waste of time.)

If the Catholic religion was founded by God, then at some point of time, "a line is going to have to be drawn", in other words, some changes that don't respect the divine will are going to have to be rejected. Let's take an imaginary example. Suppose God founded a religion, and that God ordered us to prostrate ourselves every time we saw some lightning. At some point of time, we'd have to decide if we should prostrate ourselves after having zapped ourselves on a metallic object, after having run around on a rug while wearing woolen socks (after all, it's an electric arc, just like lightning!).

We can take a far more realistic example: can we use rye bread to confect the Eucharist? Uncle Diogenes explains it very clearly:

Suppose we ask, "Why can't rye bread become the Body of Christ?" Is there a deductive proof that will satisfy the questioner? Is the nature of God such that, of all the cereal grains, wheat and only wheat could provide the matter of the sacrament? Such that rye by its nature as rye is ontologically unsuitable? Such that eucharistic doctrine could not be otherwise without an offense against reason or Trinitarian dogma?

Of course not. You can't put a pistol to the head of the Church and demand a deductive proof for the exclusive validity of wheat. The Church can only answer (1) that Her use of wheat is fitting (it is appropriate in itself and doesn't contradict Scripture or other doctrines); (2) that it is consonant with Her tradition (we know it has been used in the past and have no reason to believe the orthodox have used anything else); and (3) that every time a doubt has been raised, She has given the same answer.

It's a humbler kind of suasion than a deductive proof, it doesn't silence personal doubt with the finality that a syllogism does, but the nature of the wheat-versus-rye question is such that no other kind of considerations could be tendered in reply.

In the final analysis, the question of women's ordination brings us to a more fundamental question: "Is women's ordination compatible with the treasure of Revelation?" This question implies another one: "Who decides these things?"

5) The question of women's ordination is not open

The fourth lie used by feminists is that one could supposedly be Catholic, while being in favor of women's ordination.

Except in the Catholic Church, it's the Magisterium which decides this kind of question, and the Magisterium's decisions are without appeal. And the Magisterium has spoken, conclusively and in no uncertain terms, on the question of women's ordination:

Although the teaching that priestly ordination is to be reserved to hemen alone has been preserved by the constant and universal tradition of the Church and firmly taught by the Magisterium in its more recent documents, at the present time in some places it is nonetheless considered still open to debate, or the Church's judgment that women are not to be admitted to ordination is considered to have a merely disciplinary force.

Wherefore, in order that all doubt may be removed regarding a matter of great importance, a matter which pertains to the Church's divine constitution itself, in virtue of my ministry of confirming the brethren (cf. Lc 22,32), I declare that the Church has no authority whatsoever to confer priestly ordination on women and that this judgment is to be definitively held by all the Church's faithful.
[Ordinatio Sacerdotalis, #4]

This decision is not the decision of a committee, subject to later revision. This decision is part of the treasure of the Faith [Denzinger, No. 5040].

6) Conclusion

Don't take my word for any of this. Perform a scientific experiment. Go find somebody who wants women priests, and who also claims to be a Catholic. Then ask them what they think about some other official teachings of the Catholic Church, like: outside the Church there is no salvation, or Islam is a lie, or the social kingship of Christ, or sodomy is against Nature, or Latin in the liturgy, or why Luther is wrong, or contraception is a mortal sin, or Hell exists and isn't empty, etc. Observe their reactions and take notes. It will soon be obvious to you too:

Those who claim they want to insert women into the Priesthood, actually want to throw Catholicism out of the Church.

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