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You can do many things to help the pre-born children:
1) Pray! Without God, we can do nothing [Jn 15:5].
2) Participate! Come and participate in the various events!
3) Get the word out! There are several documents you can use to make people aware these events:
Life Chain Flyer (MS-Word Format, 41 K)
Flyer: Invitation to a debate on abortion
(MS-Word Format, 20 K)
Life Chain Code of Conduct (MS-Word Format, 40 K)
4) Donate! The only way of helping financially is to contact us, and to offer yourself to pay directly, for example, a few flyers, or more signs, or part of the rental cost for the conference room, etc. That way you can make sure your hard-earned money will be well spent!
5) Diversify! There are many other pro-life movements and initiatives which you can support, to help young mothers and their babies! For example, there are certainly people close to you who are trying to help women struggling with unplanned pregnancies. Help them! There is also every year the National March for Life in Ottawa. There is also (normally) a yearly Conference for Life organized by Quebec Life Coalition (Campagne Québec-Vie), etc., etc.