Home Contact Get Involved! Version française
Don't forget, if none of these organizations can help you, please contact Pro-Life Quebec directly! Also, none of the following organizations are in any way affiliated with us; they just seem like they might be able to you.
Serge Onge Yasangilwe, Coordonnateur
Église Sacré-Coeur-de-Jésus
340, rue de Montmartre, sous-sol, porte 4
Québec, QC
G1K 1E2
flocons.espoir (add "at" sign) videotron.ca
2520 Chemin Sainte-Foy, bureau 201B
Québec, QC
info (add "at" sign) optionsgrossesse.com
Organisation who sent us a hysterical letter threatening to take us to court if we mentioned them here.
To find them, just type "unplanned pregnancy quebec" (well, in French, like "grossesse imprévue québec") in Google. They are in the results of the first page...
If you are not pregnant and in distress, here are a few other pro-life websites:
(Political news on "Culture of Death" issues in North America.)
Campaign Life Coalition
(Political wing of the pro-life movement in Canada.)
Campagne Québec-Vie
(Quebec chapter of "Campaign Life Coalition". Georges Buscemi.)
Center for Bio-Ethical Reform
(José Ruba, Stephanie Gray. Excellent pro-life site.)
The Truth Is...