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Recent Additions In 2023


Correspondence with Monsieur X40 (French only)


Minor changes:
Replaced "Only God can correctly judge the guilt (or lack thereof) of these misguided killers" by "I let God decide the fate of the immortal souls of these killers" in my Profession of Faith


Minor changes:
On this Armistice Day, this has just become my favorite t-shirt.


Minor changes:
Finally made the connection between the filth pouring out of Anti-pope Bergoglio's mouth, and The Winnipeg Statement


Minor changes:
Fleshed out a bit the part about static and dynamic avoidance in the section 7) Be uninteresting to your enemies


Vitium Consensus by Bishop Carlo Maria Vigaṇ


All of yesterday's little changes were for this: On the Power to Judge the Validity of a Pontificate


Minor changes:
Added small warning to the beginning of The Private Jet Of Pope Francis
Changed the order of paragraphs in Section 4 of Loyalty To Satan, Or To The Holy See? in an attempt to be more chronological for Bergoglio's case.
Tried to clean up the last part of Hasta La Vista, Jorge!:

- transferred hyperlinks of Section 3 into their own Section 4;
- added Section 5 on "ex aeroplano" declarations;
- removed the hyperlink (because it seems dead) to Fr John Hunwicke's blog post dated November 18, 2016 and called Newman and the current crisis;
- removed an e-mail I had sent Correctio filialis de haeresibus propagatis to add my name to their list (they never answered);
- tried to clarify the conclusion (Old Section 4, new Section 6)


Minor changes:
Because unfortunately Trump is trying to get himself elected again, I tried to refresh a bit Right-Wing Christians Against Trump's Sins


Minor changes:
Tried to put "https://" everywhere when referring to my web site, because I was told Google Chrome refused to load my web site otherwise. Also tried fiddling with the settings on my server so it would automatically convert.


Minor changes:
Added two short paragraphs at the beginning of the 2nd and then end of the 3rd Prepareful Mystery.
To make it easier for me to memorize, numbered and sorted in alphabetical order (except the first line and the last two) the Latin version of the Oratio Universalis.


My web site statistics seem to indicate that most of the visitors to my site come for the Bible, the catechism, Thonnard, etc., and not for my articles. Since my articles don't seem very important here, I imagine minor articles, written by other authors, must be even less important here. So I decided to remove:
Catholicism, And The Grace Of Ordinary Life (by Richard Bastien)
How to Change the World; Political Prisoners in the Womb (by John Mallon)
Blessed Are The Peacemakers; Diversity, Opinions, and Absolute Truth (by Douglas McManaman)
A Sicilian Lesson In The Complex Bond Between Bishops And Saints (by John L. Allen Jr.)
Time To Go (by Brian Saint-Paul)
Ontario Catholic Bishops To Be Scolded By Pope? Some Hope So (by Steve Jalsevac and Hilary White)
From Political Correctness to Catholic Correctness (by Gilles Baribeau)


Minor changes:
Added my act of contrition after the conclusion of Mr. Bean Tries To Get Elected.


Minor changes:
A good buddy of mine (Paul "Swami") made me notice I had forgotten the accents in the beautiful Latin prayer Oratio Universalis. (They are important for Gregorian Chant; No, I have not yet found a musical score for this prayer, sorry.)


Minor changes:
Added an addition to Section 7, starting at "Critical Race Theory is only one of many applications for Critical Theory." (See entry for 2023-March-23).


Minor changes:
Added Section 7 ("Critical Race Theory") to DIE! DIE! DIE! (Diversity, Inclusion, Equity)


DIE! DIE! DIE! (Diversity, Inclusion, Equity)


Minor changes:
Repeated appropriate image with Bible quote at the beginning of Section 3 of The World Needs A New Catholic Political Party


Minor changes:
A few changes to How to Chase People Away From Jesus By Hugging Your Fridge (replaced "Lost Sermons" by "Love Tubes" in §4.16; pointed toward Tanqueray in §4.3, etc.)


Minor changes:
I finally finished re-reading (and fixing some small typos) of the Overview of Philosophy


Minor change: Added small disclaimer to Vigaṇ Section


Correspondence with Mister X39 (student at the Montreal Seminary)

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